Fonda Harklerload
I am a true blue Kentucky girl and have been clogging for 37 years. I was introduced to the clogging world by Aunt Wanda, who still dances with me.
The Hills of Kentucky Cloggers was formed in 1991. I continue to teach each week all levels of clogging to youth and adults in Williamstown and Ludlow KY. We enjoy performing at local festivals and events throughout the year. Our team is 25 dancers strong. We take every chance to promote clogging and traditional hoedown/freestyling during our performances. Some of our favorite performances, year after year, are the Kentucky Wool Fest and Appalachian Festival
Outside of clogging I have been an ophthalmic technician for Midwest Eye Center for 26 years. I enjoy traveling to numerous clogging workshop, family vacations and traveling on our motorcycle with my husband Bill.